Category Archives: COMPOSITIONS

Happy Mother’s Day


Thank you

Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for making me smile.

Thank you for giving me comfort.

Thank you for teaching me.

Thank you for being the strongest woman I know.

Thank you for being my role model.

Thank you for being honest with me.

Thank you for giving me advice like no one else can.

Thank you for making me feel loved.

The list goes on, but most importantly…

Thank you for being the best mother anyone could possibly ask for.

Dear mom, I love you.

by MK

Rezultat iskanja slik za mothers day


Mom, I love you more than anything in the world,
There is no way to express what I’m feeling in word.
Without you I wouldn’t know what to do,
Because what guides me in life is you.
You are the most important person in my life,
I’ve known that since I was five.
There are a lot of words to describe you:
Kind, loving, wise and fun,
You make people happy like the sun.
This is the end of the song,
I’m sorry if it was too long.


 My mom really is my sun,

All activities with her are always fun.

She guides me through my life,

So that I don’t get cut – with a knife.

She is the strongest woman I know

and her energy is never low.

She makes me feel loved

and because of her my life is lived.

by MK

Bodi pisatelj v tujem jeziku

Na literarnem natečaju Bodi pisatelj v tujem jeziku, ki ga je tudi to leto organiziral Pionirski dom, so imeli člani žirije pri izboru najboljših literarnih del težko delo, saj so izbirali med mnogimi kakovostnimi sestavki.

Naš učenec, Črt Strojan iz 9. c oddelka, je prejemnik priznanja za literarno delo z naslovom Eight Years Later.

Črtu iskrene čestitke za resnično izjemen dosežek.





Rezultat iskanja slik za environment


Hi! I’m Tia and l’m really concerned about the future of our environment. Every day, I’ noticing more and more garbage on the floor. Also in the mountains. I really think we should try to tell people in what a terrible position our environment is.

First by, we should tell people how important it is to put trash into a garbage bin and not onto the floor. We don’t want to go for a walk and all we would see is trash which can also be dangerous for animals.

Secondly, I think that we should decrease our need for plastic bags. Every time we go in a store, we take a new bag and that’s not OK. We should reuse plastic bags and when they rip apart, we should put them in trash for plastic. But it would be even better if we started using cotton bags.

People can also decrease pollution of the environment by walking to local shops or to friends. If people used their cars less, that would be a big plus for the environment. And at the same time we would get some extra exercise.

I hope that in the future pollution will decrease, because if not our children and grandchildren will live in horrible conditions. Air will be very dirty with a lot of smoke and ashes and grass and woods will be all destroyed. I think that none of us wants that and we should start to make decisions that are good for the environment now.

Tia Knez, 9. a

The New Life


Once upon a time, there was a 15-year old boy who wanted to delete his past life because his dad left him and his mum with his brother when he was only 3 years old. He also wanted to forget his brother’s accident from 3 years ago. He was determined to forget everything, so he started working on a micro chip in school, which would make everyone forget about him and he would only remember the chip but not anything else like his friends or family. It took him 3 months to first try out the chip and it didn’t work. After another 2 months he tried the chip again and he forgot only the past week. But after another month, he tried the chip for the third time and it actually worked. He felt like he was left alone on the deck of a small streamship. It was strange, almost unbelievable thet he felt somehow happy because even though he couldn’t remember what he wanted to forget, he was happy that he did. The sun was beating down. He is staying on the deck of this ship that will lead him to much prettier memories, he decided. The humming of the water filled with new memories overwhelmed him, he understood it: he will need to make his first big decision about the new life without the past far away from people he used to know and far away from his past.

Nika Stojko, 9.a

From London with LOVE



15 students from our school were chosen to visit London this year. Everyone was excited about that trip. We counted down days until the day we left.

On 6th October we met on the airport Ljubljana. Our flight was at 22.40. Some students flew for the first time. It was so hilarious watching them.  We arrived to London around midnight after their time. On British airport we said hello to the officers and then took the bus to the hotel. Our hotel had 4 stars and it was beautiful. We were very tired but some of us stayed awake a bit more then we should and that happened every night. But the rules are meant to be broken so we broke them. We had the best teacher with us so she let us be us so we had some amazing nights :).

On the first day we visited Greenwich. After that we had some free time and we went to fish and chips. If we are honest we didn’t really like it but we survived :P. Then we went to the boat trip. From the boat we saw a bunch of buildings which are important but we don’t actually know how. But we saw some structures that we know are important as London Eye, Tower Bridge and Big Ben. After that we visited a museum with dinosaurs and then we went to Madam Tussaud. The wax sculptures were pretty much realistic. We really enjoyed. In the evening our school decided to go to the theatre. We watched a musical called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The story and the whole production were magnificent, although the start wasn’t that convincing. We are so thankful to Mrs. Bosnić because she had the strength and will to take 15 little smurfs to that theatre without our guide Robi (ata Smurf). She became mama Smurf for one night :P.

The next day we went to Trafalgar Square and to Buckingham Palace. We spent the afternoon time on the Oxfort Street. There were enormous numbers of shops and famous brands. The girly girls really enjoyed there but then there’s Sara and she just had to suffer a bit and get over it but after that we went eat and she was happy again :’). We made our way to China Town. We had free time there and we bought some souvenirs.

Then there is already our 3rd day. Because of marathon in London we went to chocolate factory in Birmingham. They represented us the history of chocolate beans. The best thing was when they gave us melted chocolate with different topics which you choose on your own. We also went to Cambridge and Oxford.

We spent our last day in the spirit of shopping because we went Camden market. We spent quality time there shopping for clothes and souvenirs. At 13.30 we went to airport by bus. There we said goodbye to the officers and went to the plane. We landed in Venice at about 20.00. and from there everything went down. We became sad because we had to go to Ljubljana.

All of us enjoyed this trip soooo much and it was an unforgettable experience. Everything was mega fantastic from the company, places that we visited, food, and also the teachers were awesome.

We would like to thank Mrs. Bosnić for this unforgettable experience that she gave us. This was the best time of our primary school. We hope that also other generations will be able to visit London, but we know that they can’t beat us with awesomeness  ;).

Sara Matjaž & Tia Knez

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child








Harry Potter is now 37 years old. He and his wife Ginny have 3 children. The oldest is named James, the youngest is Lilly and the middle child and one of the main characters is Albus.

Albus goes to Hogwarts like his brother James. He is scared that he will end up in Slytherins house because Voldemort was there too. But his fear comes true. He ends up in Slideryn and there he meets his new best friend Scorpius. Scorpius is Draco Malfoy’s  son but the rumour is that he is Voldemort’s son. Because of the rumor Scorpius isn’t popular, in fact nobody likes him except Albus.

Albus is very upset that he is in Slideryn and he thinks that his dad is disappointed with him. So every year he draws away from his family, mostly his father. One year he and his father have a fight and he is upset with his father so much that he decides to repair his father’s mistake, so he will bring Cedric Digorry, the boy who was killed by Voldemort because of Harry’s mistake, back to life.

Next day is a first day of school and he plans his escape. He and Scorpious escape from a train and they go to the home of old Wizards and Witches where Cedric’s dad Amos is. There they meet Delphie and her uncle Amos Digorry.

They make a plan and they decide that Albus, Scorpious and Delphie will go to the Ministry of Magic and there they will steal the time-turner.  With a spell Albus turns in to Ron, Delphi to Rons wife Hermione and Scorpious to Harry. They enter the ministry of magic and they achieve to steal the time-turner with some problems. With the time-turner they go to Hagwards Forbidden Forest. In meanwhile Harry, Ginny, Draco, Ron and some more wizards are traying to find them.  While they are searching for them Albus and Scorpious  go to the past with the time-turner and Delphie goes back to her uncle.

While searching for his son Harry meest Ben, a leader of centaurs. He tells him  that in the stars he saw  that there is a black cloud around Albus. Harry is certain that the black cloud is Scorpious.

At the same time Albus and Scorpious arrive to the Triwizard Tournament in the year 1994 when Cedric died on the third task. They come to the first task where Cedric is trying to defeat the dragon. Albus makes a spell so Cedric’s wand disappears and suddenly the time-turner starts to shake and they go back to the future. They come to the Forbidden forest where Harry and the others find them and they take them back to Hogwarts. There Harry forbids Albus to hang out with Scorpious. But that isn’t the worst thing.  Albus and Scotpious aso changed the future. In this future Albus is in Gryffindor and Ron isn’t married to Hermione and also Harmione is now a teacher but before she was the minister of magic.

Albus and Scorpious are sad and they try to talk to each other but every time Harry finds out and separates them. One time they achieve to talk and they go to the past to fix the future. This time they go to the second task of the triwizard tournament. They go to the lake where the second task is and they make a spell on Cedric’s wand again. And the time-turner shakes again and they are back in the future well only Scorpious is and Albus doesn’t exist any more.

Scorpious is confused and scared and he finds out that in this future Voldemort is alive and that Cedric is one of his allies and the worst part is that Harry Potter is dead. He tries to go back to the past and with a help of professor Snape and Rone and Hermione he succeeds. He goes back to the second task and he brings Albus back. And they are back to the right future.

When they come out of the lake Harry and the others find them and take them back to Hogwarts. There Scorpious and Albus tell them every part of their journey and they lie that they lost the time-turner. After that they go back to Slidery house where Scorpius reveals the time-turner to Albus and they decide that they need to destroy it so they call Delphe.

When she comes she takes the time-turner from them and she takes them into the past where she tells them that she is Voldemort’s daughter. She goes back to the time when Harry’s parents were killed and she intends to kill Harry herself so Voldemort wouldn’t lose his power. When Scorpiou and Albus figure out her plan they send a message to the future with Harry’s blanket and a potion. Harry gets the message and immediately he and his mates go to the past with Drecos time-turner. There he succeeds to defeat Delphi and Volodemor loses his powers.

So they go back to the future where Albus and Harry visit Cedric’s grave and they start to listen to each other and grow closer as father and son.

by Mia Spiller

Our trip to Strasbourg!

Our trip to Strasbourg!

 Our trip to Strasbourg started on Tuesday morning.

After a very very long drive in the bus we finally arrived at the hotel. We got sorted into our rooms and later went to dinner.

After that we went to sleep tired from the ride.

The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel then we got dressed for our visit to the European parliament.

We got to see a bit of the city on our way there too.

A couple of photos later a pleasant lady showed us to a room, where she told us all about the EU and the parliament. After the presentation Tanja Fajon came and took some pictures with us in front of the flags. I wish we could have spent more time with her but she had to leave and so did we. But before we left for lunch we went to the hall and listened to members of the parliament vote. We got headphones and could hear the translation in many different languages.

After that we left the hall to go to lunch. We had lunch in the parliament and we all enjoyed our dessert.

We hopped back on the bus for a short drive to the city centre. We walked around the city learning more about it. We saw a spinning bridge, beautiful houses, statues, the beautiful church and many more. It was time for a short break so we split up into small groups of six or seven and walked around the city alone for a bit. Most of us went to Starbucks and by most of us I mean all of us.

We walked around the city for a bit more and there it was time for a dinner break. And we definitely didn’t go to McDonald’s, that’s for sure.

So after we saw the city we went back to the hotel and went to bed.

The next day it was already time to go back home so we left early in the morning and started another long drive.

When we returned we went home and directly to bed, because let’s face it, who really slept at night 😉


Brad Pitt – biography


Real name: William Bradley Pitt

Born: December 18, 1963

Shawnee, Oklahoma

Occupation: actor, producer

Years active: 1987- present

Works: filmography

Brad Pitt is an American actor and producer. He was born on 18th December, 1964 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. When he was five his family moved to Missouri and Brad spent his childhood there. He is the oldest of three children and has a younger brother and sister. In 1982, he graduated from high school and enrolled at the University of Missouri where he studied journalism and advertising. He dropped out of college and went to Hollywood in 1986 because he decided to become and actor. Brad Pitt became famous when he shot his first film, Cutting Class in 1989. Brad has made many films. The most important events in his career is a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for his role in Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys. At the moment, he’s starring in a film called Allied. Brad Pitt is best known for his good looks, remarkable acting roles and relationship with Angelina Jolie.

                 Klara Škufca 9.b




On Tuesday, 13th September 2016, about 30 pupils from our school went to Strasbourg. We came to the parking lot next to the school at 5 a.m. There was already a bus waiting for us. We were driving all day.

We also had some breaks so we could go to the toilet or eat our snacks.

We came to Strasbourg at 6 p.m. Then we went to our rooms and got ready for dinner. We had dinner in a restaurant next to the hotel. There was so much food and it was very good. After dinner, at about 10 p.m., we had to be in our rooms. We fell asleep soon becouse we were really tired.

The next day we woke up at 7.30 a.m. We had breakfast in the hotel and then we took our seats in the bus and went to the EU parliament. The guide who drove with us told us some interesting facts about the city.

We came to the parliament at 10 a.m.

The guards cheked our luggage and then we could enter.

A woman accompanied us to the room where we had a short lecture about the parliament.

After that we went to the hall where members held a session. Wegot headphones so we could listen to them in Slovenian. There were also about 40 other languages we could listen to. It was really cool.

Then we had lunch in the parliament. Everything was delicious but all of us liked the dessert the most.

After lunch we went back to the bus and we drove to the city centre. Then we had a guided city tour. We saw the Notre-Dame Cathedral, a bridge which moved aside when the tourist boat came and some interesting buildings.

We also had some spare time so we could go to Starbucks or McDonald’s.

We returned to the hotel at about 8.30 p.m. Then we played cards or had fun some other way. We had to be in our rooms at 10 p.m. again, but this time we didn’t fall asleep soon. We were talking till midnight or even later. Some of us didn’t even go to sleep because they wanted to sleep in the bus.

The next day we had to wake up earlier. We had breakfast at 6.30 a.m. because at 7.15 we already left the hotel. The ride back wasn’t so tiresome. We played games, listened to the music and watched films.  The rain was forecast but it didn’t rain.

We came back to Ljubljana at 7.30 p.m. Our parents were already waiting for us and we went home. I really liked the trip. It was interesting and informative. I think Strasbourg is a very big and beautiful city.

 Lina Lengar, 8.b


































Goran Dragić



Goran Dragić was born in Ljubljana in 1986. He lived with his family for 19 years. His father was born in Bosnia. His father was a very funny man, but when there were problems at school he became serious. In Goran’s childhood he played basketball with his brother every day. He studied at primary school Koseze and at secondary economics school. His first basketball club was basketball club Ilirija. After Ilirija he played for Slovan, Murcia, Olimpija, San Antonio Spurs, Phoenix Suns and now he plays for Miami Heat. He played for the Slovenian basketball national team. In 2013 he got married to Maja. Together they have 2 children. He can speak Slovenian, Serbian, English and Spanish. He plays with his brother in the Slovenian national team and they played together in Miami Heat in the season 2014/15. His brother plays for the Russian club Khimki. Tadej Golob wrote a biography about Goran Dragić. The book is called “DAJTE GOGIJU ŽOGO!”

by Žan Bitenc Novak